Our Great National Parks

Six Episode Series on Netflix

Our Great National Parks
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I stopped watching nature shows years ago because after showing the wonders of nature, the show would always conclude with a sad reminder that whatever wonder you just saw is being lost due to how you live your life. Our Great National Parks is a Netflix series narrated by Barack Obama. I figure Barack Obama is an intelligent guy; he would not allow a show to depress the viewers; he knows how to keep things positive. Happily, I was right.

Our Great National Parks is about the national parks all over the world. There are only a couple of references to global warming, but overall, the show’s tone is optimistic. Our Great National Parks applaud the efforts made worldwide to preserve various ecosystems, and the efforts made are working.

Episode 1 is a quick worldwide tour of parks and showed me things I never knew existed. I think I’m a well-read guy, but I never knew that hippopotami in Gabon (west coast of Africa) swim in the Atlantic Ocean. Or the green algae growing on three-toed sloths in Costa Rica may be a new pharmaceutical, or saltwater crocodiles in Australia catch fish as the fish migrate upriver, similar to grizzly bears in Alaska catching salmon, only not as picturesque.

Our Great National Parks Netflix

Episodes 2 through 6 spend the entire show in one country and applaud the conservation efforts of the parks and show the parks’ wonders. I learned things I never knew before in each episode, which is a valid reason to watch a show.

Did you know the most abundant wild bird in the world is the Red-Billed Quelea – I had never heard of this bird – and they are 1.5 billion strong. The Monterey National Marine Sanctuary has incredible footage of marine life. There is footage of an Orca pod killing a one-ton Grey Whale calf. I never knew Orcas kill whales. I wish the Orca whales in Puget Sound stop eating only salmon and start killing whales. That sounds awful, but it would be better for the Puget Sound Orca.

I could go on since Our Great National Parks contain a lot of hopeful information along with stunning photography and many wonders. However, you should watch the Netflix series Our Great National Parks and discover new things on your own.


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