Jordan Peele
Jordan Peele
Lupita Nyong'o, Winston Duke, Evan Alex, Shahadi Wright Joseph, Elisabeth Moss, Tim Heidecker, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Anna Diop, Cali Sheldon, Noelle Sheldon, Madison Curry, Napiera Groves, Lon Gowan, Alan Frazier, Duke Nicholson, Dustin Ybarra, Nathan Harrington, Kara Hayward, Darrel Cherney, David M Sandoval Jr., James Cobb, Alessandro Garcia, Ashia Camille, Ray Walker, Abraham Reyes, Anne-Marie Olsen, Jessica Rubinstein, Jordan Peele
1 h 56 min
Release Date
14 March 2019
Thriller, Horror
Husband and wife Gabe and Adelaide Wilson take their kids to their beach house expecting to unplug and unwind with friends. But as night descends, their serenity turns to tension and chaos when some shocking visitors arrive uninvited.
  • Rating


I usually do not enjoy horror movies. I dislike seeing people dehumanized, treated like meat, slashed, sawed, and physically tortured. However, Us is different and worth watching.

Us is shot in Southern California.  The Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk is prominent in several scenes.  Us is more than just a scary movie with an appropriate amount of discreet stabbing, skull smashing, and neck slitting.  Us is also a good story with an exciting premise and has some excellent acting.

The film begins in 1986 when the daughter Adelaide wanders away while at the Santa Cruz Beach and sees someone who looks identical to herself. The movie then moves to the present day. Adelaide Wilson (Lupita Nyong’o, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker) is grown and a mother with two kids.  Gabe Wilson (Winston Duke, M’Baku in Black Panther) is her nice, loving, “he thinks he’s funny” husband.

Us is a good horror movie

This family of four is at their vacation home in Santa Cruz.  A similar-looking family confronts them (at night of course).  These look-alikes grunt, move quickly, and proceed to terrorize the family for no obvious reason. One of these look-alikes named Red (also played by Lupita) speaks cryptically at great length and with great difficulty. The families are “tethered together,” explains Red. Then the chaos begins.

Us is a good horror movie

© 2019 Monkeypaw Productions − All right reserved.

Terror is happening throughout the town, so no help is available. In desperation, they go to their friends Kitty & Josh Tyler (Elisabeth Moss & Tim Heidecker).  The Tyler’s look-alikes are terrorizing the Tyler’s.  Elisabeth Moss also provides a great performance being terrorized (as Kitty Tyler) and also terrorizing (as Dahlia).

Images from Us

A look-alike injures the husband. Therefore, Lupita becomes the dominant force in the family. Lupita shines in this movie – she is intense, mean, loving, brave, and deals with the mayhem. Her acting is the main reason to watch this movie.

The injured husband stays back and supplies the one-liners like, “Your Mom left the car” when everyone knows she should have stayed in the car.

The ending explains the deeper meaning of the film. But the “fun” of this movie is watching Lupita deal with the look-alikes and appropriately go into the sub, sub, basement to figure this shit out.

There is some bloodletting and skull-crushing. But the intensity and suspense, a few scares, and the excellent acting by Lupita Nyong’o make this a horror movie worth watching.

Images from Us




The Biggest Spoiler: The Ending
An experiment gone wrong leaves a group of doppelgangers (clones of Santa Cruz citizens) abandoned and living below Santa Cruz. The clone, named Red, captured the real Adelaide in 1986.  Red then took the real Adelaide’s place.  The real 1986 Adelaide, now called Red, organizes a revolt and brings the doppelgangers above ground to wreak havoc. Red kidnaps Jason, Adelaide’s son. Jason is taken to the doppelgangers home, the subbasement below Santa Cruz. Doppelganger Adelaide follows, meets Red (the real Adelaide) in the subbasement. Fighting insues, and the doppelganger Adelaide kills Red (the real Adelaide) and saves her son. It is confusing, but I think this is correct – watch the movie to find out.

Movie Details

Jordan Peele
Jordan Peele
Lupita Nyong'o, Winston Duke, Evan Alex, Shahadi Wright Joseph, Elisabeth Moss, Tim Heidecker, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Anna Diop, Cali Sheldon, Noelle Sheldon, Madison Curry, Napiera Groves, Lon Gowan, Alan Frazier, Duke Nicholson, Dustin Ybarra, Nathan Harrington, Kara Hayward, Darrel Cherney, David M Sandoval Jr., James Cobb, Alessandro Garcia, Ashia Camille, Ray Walker, Abraham Reyes, Anne-Marie Olsen, Jessica Rubinstein, Jordan Peele
1 h 56 min
Release Date
14 March 2019
Thriller, Horror
Husband and wife Gabe and Adelaide Wilson take their kids to their beach house expecting to unplug and unwind with friends. But as night descends, their serenity turns to tension and chaos when some shocking visitors arrive uninvited.

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