About Time is about time travel, where the men in this English family can go backward in their own timeline, even better than Google Maps. Used at first to “get the girl” (you know, relive the moment and not say all those stupid things to the girl you just met) but then continues to solve problems, relive memories, and reflect on life. Then About Time continues and continues and continues, way too long. It would have been a cute rom-com to show how he fell in love, but then it continues into a biographical history of the family, more and more kids and more and more problems.

© 2013 Working Title Films − All right reserved.
Mary & Tim (Rachel McAdams, Disobedience, and Domhnall Gleeson, Brooklyn) are a believable couple that genuinely live their life on the screen. Includes Margot Robbie, Bill Nighy, and a bunch of English actors in this English produced movie. Works for over 2 hours to make an obvious statement that I could tell you here in three words. There is a lot of pleasing quiet music and lyrics that support the action on the screen, good acting, mature discussions, maturely addicting but too long.

© 2013 Working Title Films − All right reserved.